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titlewhat remains gallery – The Gwangju Issue
authorLandspersky Christian, Landspersky René
size29.7 × 21 cm
languageEnglish, German, Korean
price19 €

“A perfomative art-piece to raise questions about the very concepts of preservation, ‘heritage’, immateriality and meaning. Symbolic values build the conceptual frame for the research on the relationship between words and images in the digitized world, transhistorical authorship, coded connectivness, digital diversification and the residues of the significant other. What remains gallery will focus the limits of perception through the digitized perspective of non-linear history.
MATERIAL LAURE PROUVOST. … Die französische Turnerpreisträgerin Laure Prouvost nimmt sich in ihrer unnachahmlich direkten Art dieses historische Mauerwerk zum Anlass, um einen Blick unter die martialische Oberfläche des Marmors der Ehrenhalle des heutigen Haus der Kunst zu werfen [2015-2016]. “

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