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titleParticipation Is Risky
authorLiesbeth Huybrechts
size21 × 13.5 cm
price19.5 €

The term ‘participation’ is used frequently within the contexts of design, art, new media and innovation. What is called participation is often no more than simple interaction with participants. A recent generation of designers and artists are noticing an increasing desire for real cooperation, but setting up projects in a participatory way is often not part of their skills.
Participation Is Risky describes the negotiations that designers and artists engage in when setting up participatory projects with familiar and strange, public and private, professional and amateur, and other participants. These negotiations are defined as risky trade-offs.
‘Risky’ reflects the uncertainty that artists, designers and participants experience in participatory contexts. Based on detailed case studies of participatory projects and a critical review of the literature, this book offers insight in these uncertain, but valuable trade-offs in a hands-on and reflective way.

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