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titleKoryo-saram. 1930–2000
authorYegor Kim
size20 ✕ 27 cm
schoolHSE Art and Design School (Moscow)

A student project about the koryo-saram phenomenon — an ethnic group of departed Koreans who live on the post-soviet territory (Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus and more). This book is a hypothesis. There was no large sociological and historical research to compile this project. All materials are collected from open sources. The book does not provide conclusions and avoids value judgments, but presents the stories of individuals and reduces historicism to a dry description of known facts. The book is based on four stories of the writer Anatoly Kim, who witnessed the historical processes in the biographical novel My Past. Each plot corresponds to the time of that chapter tells. The story of Anatoly Kim does not represent the life of every departed Korean, but it does it colorfully enough for a basic understanding of history. The narration is supplemented by a photo chronicle of the resettlement and everyday life of Koryo-saram. Also there are collected and translated clippings from documents and publications. For example, the book contains pages from the Korean Worker newspaper. The main graphic idea of the book is a process of stratification and spreading, which is represented by the settlement map on the cover and half title. Also the type page itself transforms from the horizontal one to several narrow columns.

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