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authorDries Segers
size420 x 280 mm
price29,00 Euro

FUNGI by Dries Segers, digital offset printed, softcover, folded, print-run 200 copies, designed by Chloé Dhauwe & Ine Meganck, ISBN 9789463883092, self published, 2019

FUNGI are the oldest living species on our planet. They build and spread their communities across human borders, continents, laws … They take over land without asking permission. They clean up toxic messes in disturbed landscapes and shake the land back to life to create livable grounds for animals, plants and maybe humans. They have the power to transport energy between weaker and stronger trees, to keep forests alive or to kill them. Their spores are invisible and spread and spread and spread. — Dries Segers

Photographed in Dudenpark, Brussels in autumn 2018.

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